The film begins in present-day Mumbai where a middle aged doctor Bhaskar Deshpande comes to know that he has received an award for his work among the city's slum-dwellers. He decides to return his native village and build a hospital at the place of the ruins of his home , just to appease his family's guardian spirit. Vaastu Purush means Guardian of The House. After returning to village , he starts remembering about his childhood. Though he was born in a feudal family but now the earnings of the family are meagre. His mother wants her son to become a doctor and serve the poor. VaastuPurush is about memory, about loss and remembrance , about the interplay between times past, the present and possibly the unborn feature. Vaastu Purush can also be seen as one illiterate woman's determination to ensure that her son breaks away from the degenerate feudal background of his once affluent family and becomes a doctor to help cure the needy. The performances were good by all but the one performance which stands out is by Mahesh Elkunchwar who played the grown-up Dr Bhaskar.
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