Tuesday 21 August 2012

How I Ended This Summer

  Graduate Pavel and Meteorologist Sergei work together on a polar station in a desolate part of the arctic. The place is located at the extreme north-eastern tip of Russia. Sergei has a wife and a young son on the mainland whom  he rarely sees. He transmits short messages to them through Headquarters.

 Sergei takes his job very seriously. College grad Pavel plays video games and listens to music to avoid Sergei's imposing presence.Tension appears between them.

This film works hard on the subtleties and isolation of the main characters.In such a situation and such a place,humans can react very differently.  The plot is here very simple but the main aspects of the film is powerful visual story-telling with very less dialogues. This film  is also a psychological thriller in which their mutual distrust deteriorates into a potentially deadly game of cat and mouse.                            

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