Sunday 31 March 2013

Le Doulos

Maurice Faugel (Serge Reggiani) has just finished his sentence. He murders Gilbert ,a receiver ,and steals the loot of a break-in.   Later he plans for another robbery.  His friend Silien (Belmondo) offers to help , and the film revolves around whether Silien is an informant or not. Through both of them's actions , the film explores just how deeply qualities such as friendship and loyality run. Belmondo displays his strength as an actor in playing the informer, Silen.  Reggiani did good job as Maurice whose face says more than anything else. The stunning black-and-white cinematography exhibits the grim atmosphere . 

The first scene itself is an expressionist masterpiece in the way light reveals Maurice's duality with only half of his face visible , an ambiguity illustrated by the swinging lamp's dizzying effect. Melville's direction is a glourious tribute to classic American crime films of the 1940s and early 50's but has also a strong touch of originality. It deals with small time gangsters whose beliefs in honour and loyality are pretty slim. Almost every character in the film is someone who can not be trusted and has a dual nature about them. This is cinema with style and class and a quintessential addition to the French gangster genre.

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