Friday 19 July 2013

Gewalt! Gewalt: shojo geba-geba ( Violent Virgin )

A bunch of young hipsters kidnaps a loving couple and keeps them trapped in a barren landscape. To the sounds of  free jazz they are performing various instruments with the couple.  Yet, as the film progresses the characters appear to be more like symbols acting out relationships in an allegory rather than part of a narrative. The central male character , played by Atushi Yamatoya ,goes from kidnapped victim ,to escapee ,to killer , to demon and then to oppressor himself.  Here both male and female characters go through a range of experiences of erotic pleasure , physical restraint and humiliation.  The women characters are seen to be as sexually and violently charged as their male counterparts.  Wakamatsu used the format of  sexploitation as a way into an exploration of other transgressive acts such as extreme violence and amorality.

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