Sunday 28 October 2012

Fort Apache

 Fort Apache is a 1948 Western film directed by John Ford and starring John Wayne and Henry Fonda. This film was the first of the director's " Cavalry Triology" . This film was one of the first to present a sympathetic view of the Native Americans involved in the battle.

 Captain Kirby York (John Wayne) is expected to be the new commander at Fort Apache but the command of the regiment is given to Colonel Owen ( Henry Fonda) . Colonel Owen is an arrogant  and egocentric officer. He also lacks the experience with the Indians he is expected to watch.  When there is disturbance among the Indians, Owen ignores York's advice and orders his regiment to participate in a battle with Indians. It's actually the story of a clash between two men.  Fonda is very arrogant and hates Indians where as Wayne is very professional soldier. Wayne is also sympathetic towards Indians.  There is a lot of complexity to Fonda's character -he's at times capable of being fair as well. 

Fonda gives a neatly controlled performance. John Wayne shines here in a supporting role . I always felt that Wayne as an actor excels more when he plays supporting character. Ford finds the most beautiful way to frame a scene, and the black and white photography is stunning. The best thing about this film is that it didn't show Apaches as villains . A great film by Ford.

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