Monday 22 October 2012

Satah Se Uthata Aadmi

Mani kaul was one of the directors who took a different path than other directors of Indian Parallel cinema. He tried to change the language of Indian cinema. He was greatly influenced by Robert Bresson.  He started with the image and made his way into the text.  

Satah Se Uthata Aadmi was regarded by many Indian film scholars as Kaul's best work. Kaul's film was based on the literature of Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh , a left-leaning Hindi author who was one of the main representatives of the Nai Kavita movement in Hindi. The film merged episodes from Muktibodh's writings with material from other sources. In the film, we noticed a world where the revolution had finished, idealism had diminished in the name of practicality. This was the time when the role of intellectuals and artists had been questioned. 

 Kaul here started his association with the documentary-fiction genre. The sutradhar (narrator) of this film was also the main protagonist Muktibodh (played by Gopi). This film also raised the question of theory versus practice. This film portrayed broken, post-socialist state of society. Kaul was a big fan of Indian Classical music. He studied Dhrupad and used it's leading vocalist Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar to deliver Bilaskhani Todi.  This was the most complicated work of Kaul but it would create a big impact on viewer's mind.

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