Thursday 31 January 2013

Loves of a Blonde

Andula, a pretty young girl living in a fading Czech factory town. Andula and her friends go to a party where they are seen as object of adoration by few soldiers. There Andula meets with Milda, a young pianist with the band who was visiting from Prague. After they spend the night together,he leaves and she travels to Prague to find him. 

She takes the affair more seriously than he does and when she suddenly visits to his house ,everybody is surprised.  It is a humored tale about a woman's journey to the discover of the first love. It's a quite progressive view this film had back in the 1960s in showing Andula trying to not flirt with soldiers in one way  but end up talking to them ,then later to have a romantic evening with Milda. 'Loves of A Blonde' is a bittersweet film ; it is bitingly tragic and simultaneously touching. The film also offers a  scathing characterization of society as a whole.

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