Wednesday 2 January 2013

Ren xiao yao (Unknown Pleasures)

Unknown Pleasures  is a 2002 Chinese film  directed by Jia Zhangke.  The film focuses on several young people, members of China's "new" generation.  Nineteen year old Bin Bin lives with his mother , in a small apartment near Datong's textile mill.  His close friend, the reckless Xiao Ji, lives in a small apartment with his father.  Both of them face considerable problems in their love-life.  Bin Bin's girlfriend is an ambitious student planning on studying business at a university.  He, on the other hand does nothing apart from watching television on most days.  Two friends eventually meet Qiao Qiao , a young singer and dancer working for the Mongolian King Liquor company.  Xiao ji sets his sights on Qiao Qiao . She is outwardly tough and determined . However she eventually turns to prostitution .  When an explosion rocks textile mill, the characters are briefly pushed into action. 

       The two boys are only interested in movies (such as Pulp Fiction) , pop music and girls. Both the boys  are aimless ,young people with no future.  The overlapping stories of  the two friends develop a common theme of loneliness and yearning on the edges of a rapidly changing society. From China joining the World Trade Organization to Beijing getting selected to host the 2008 Olympic Games , the most important events in "Unknown Pleasures" take place on tv, each one a new promise that meaningful change will soon follow. But future of the protagonists is cloudy and uncertain.  It is an infinitely sad, unpredictable but ultimately very meaningful film.

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