Tuesday 7 May 2013

Solyaris ( Solaris)

Solaris is a 1972 science-fiction film adaptation of the novel Solaris, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky.  The film is a meditative psychological drama occurring mostly aboard a space station orbiting the fictional planet Solaris. This film weaves a story about a man named Kris Kelvin, played by a haunted Donatas Banionis, who is assigned to replace a scientist onboard a space station that is orbiting and monitoring the oceans of a strange and mysterious planet.  

After decades of study, the scientific mission at the space station has barely progressed. To make matters worse, most of the crew has succumbed to a series of emotional crisis.  The crew does not wish to discuss what's going on ,and only hints that Kelvin will find out himself.  Kelvin soon wakes up to find his dead wife Khari (Natalya Bondarchuk) sitting with him in his room. Some mysterious force coming from the planet below has tapped into his mind and made portions of his memories or dreams physical. Solaris , contrary to its setting, is interested in inner as opposed to outer space - namely, the realm of our consciousness.  

Tarkovsky manipulates the basic framework of the Sci-fi genre to express his own thematic concerns, refusing to bow to generic conventions. At it's core, Solaris is a philosophical treatise on the human condition , and it intelligently questions the certainty of reality. The age-old argument of science versus nature comes to a head, as these well-educated , knowledgeable men fail to provide answers. Questions arise over these fantastical events being manifested from the deep recesses of each man's unconscious will. When we love someone, who do we love?  That person, or our idea of that person?  When we touch them , it is not the touch we experience but our consciousness of the touch .

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