Thursday 2 May 2013

Yuke yuke nidome no shojo (Go,Go Second Time Virgin)

Wakamatsu's Go, Go Second Time Virgin tells the tale of two Japanese teens brought together by sexual violence., revenge and rebellion.  Poppo, a teenage girl is raped by four boys on the roof of a seven-story apartment building.   She asks them to kill her , but they mock her and leave.  Tsukio, a teenage boy has been watching the rape passively. The story revolves around both characters befriendment and subsequent attempts to deal with their traumatic past and present. 

Poppo had an incredibly dysfunctional past which includes the gang-rape of her mother leading to Poppo's conception, incest , the suicide of her father with his mistress, the subsequent suicide of her mother out of loneliness and two rapes.  She is nihilistic and consistently reiterates her desire to die.  In a colour flashback, Tsukio tells of his own recent sexual abuse at the hands his parents and another couple, all of whome he has stabbed to death. Poppo repeatedly asks Tsukio to kill her, but he refuses.  Tsukio initially looks on with some adolescent excitement,  his hatred for the abusers grow throughout the film until his rage explodes in final scenes. On the surface, the audience will be in for a great deal of sex ,violence and drug-induced bizarreness. Stylistically,  the entire film is shot in black and white and takes place within the confines of the apartment building, either on the roof, in the basement, or in the bloodied apartment of Tsukio's attackers. 

 It is a rather dismal tale of primitive morality in the face of degradation, humiliation and abuse. It would seem that this film's  message is one of the consequence of a moral decline within society and the irreparable damage it causes among innocent youth. This decline explicitly involves the pursuit of unfettered and often violent sexuality as well as drug and alcohol abuse .

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